What fingerprints were found?

Tracked down some original italian news reports; from May 10th after the testimony:

“(AGI) – Perugia, May 8 – There are 108 papillary fragments detected by the forensic farmhouse of Via della Pergola in the course of investigations carried out after the murder (…). Sixty-one were found to be useful for comparison and 48 of these have been allocated. Thirteen non-identified”

“48 prints: 35 finger and 13 palm”

“the  investigator said that five were the young of Puglia, one of the American student,7 victims, one of Rudy Guede (already sentenced to 30 years in prison on the abbreviated rite) and the rest of the two Italian who lived in the house and the then boyfriend of Mez.”

“Thirteen unidentified fingerprints, four of them in the room where the murder was carried out (two on a calendar and many on the door frame).”

According to an ABCnews article during the trial (may 8th):


(apparently from a reporter in perugia ) “A total of 61 prints were taken into evidence at the scene of the crime. Of these, all but 13 were identified as belonging to various people who had been in the house. Five prints belonged to Sollecito, said Privitera, two of which were found on the outside of (the victim’s) bedroom door.”

“Only one print belonging to Guede was identified, but it was significant. His bloody palm-print was found on a pillow under (the victim’s) body. The blood was (the victim’s) blood.”

“Only one fingerprint belonging to Knox was found in the house she had shared with Kercher and two Italian women. Giuseppe Privitera, a police print expert, testified that a print from Knox’s right index finger was identified on a glass found in the sink.”

Apparently an error in the reporting in the a newsweek article,

“19 fingerprints in (the victim’s) room (…) are unidentifiable because they are partial or smeared, meaning they may have belonged to Knox or Sollecito.”

Examiner.com reports

The Italian news agency ANSA also reported that fingerprint expert, Giuseppe Privitera, testified that 35 fingerprints and 13 palm prints were found and identified in the house where Kercher was slain.

According to the ANSA Privitera testified that of these, five prints were Sollecito’s, one was Knox’s, 17 were the victim’s, and most of the rest were from (…) roommates and (the victim’s) boyfriend. One bloody palm print was found on a pillow near the victim and was identified to be that of Guede, while four prints found in the victim’s room were never identified.

Perugia Shock blogged:

As we know there’s some unidentified DNA in the house, as well as 17 unattributed fingerprints.


One thing is clear and uncontested; only one print belonging to Knox was found; on a glass in the kitchen. The judge writing the report in Guede’s case stated it was “as if she didn’t live there”, despite Knox’s claim that she took a shower earlier that morning.

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